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About Us

Meet the Team behind Coreshop

Dominik Pfaffenbaur founded CoreShop in 2015.

CEO and Founder of CoreShop GmbH

In 2018 he was named by Pimcore to be the Pimcore "MVP", the "Pimconaut of the Year."

No one, no company, no team has added more to the Pimcore Open Source Marketplace than Dominik. At the time he won, fully half of the marketplace and free extensions available for Pimcore were authored by Dominik. All of that code was vetted and approved by Pimcore. Dominik really is a Pimcore MVP.

More than Pimcore, other deveopers and partners feel the same way. When they want to be trained in Pimcore, more often than not they call Dominik. And he’s even better with CoreShop.

Dominik saw the need for a solid, flexible E-Commerce system that could utilize Pimcore for its PIM and DAM capabilities to make E-Commerce handle more complex and high volume applications easily. For the last several years, he’s been the expert called on by clients and Pimcore Partners alike for expertise in E-Commerce. He’s the Pele’ of Pimcore.

Dominik architects, builds and designs Pimcore/CoreShop systems, always with love and sometimes in his sleep. Call us and see what we can do to make your E-Commerce the MVP of your company too.

A picture of Dominik Pfaffenbauer receiving the MOst Valuable Pimconaut Award