Enterprise Extensions
by CoreShop

Discover the extended power of CoreShop with our Enterprise Extensions. Tailored for businesses seeking advanced functionalities, these extensions enhance your E-Commerce platform's capabilities, offering sophisticated solutions for complex needs. Explore the myriad of features designed to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and drive growth in a competitive digital marketplace

Enhance Your CoreShop Platform

Discover Our Range of Specialized Bundles

CoreShop's Enterprise Extensions offer a range of sophisticated features designed to enhance the functionality and user experience of the e-commerce platform. These extensions, crafted with precision and innovation, cater to a diverse set of needs, from credit management to advanced mapping and B2B functionalities. Below is an overview of these extensions. Minor release support is included. This means that when we release minor updates and improvements to our extensions, you'll receive them as part of your licensing agreement. This ensures that your projects benefit from continuous enhancements and refinements, keeping them optimized and responsive to evolving e-commerce needs.

Experience CoreShop firsthand with our Enterprise Demo. Access the backend using the login details: Username 'admin' and Password 'coreshop'. For the frontend, log in with Email 'demo@coreshop.org' and Password 'demo@coreshop.org'. Dive into the capabilities and features of CoreShop Enterprise at your own pace

Enterprise Demo FrontendEnterprise Demo Backend

Enable credit purchases with manual approval for added control

Link Symfony routes to Pimcore documents for streamlined management

Automate email processing with customizable rules for efficiency

Integrate geo-spatial data handling with attractive mapping functionalities

Offer multi-use vouchers for flexible customer purchasing power

Optimize stock management across multiple warehouse locations

Provide a deposit option for product reservations, enhancing payment flexibility

Efficiently manage resource-intensive jobs with a sequenced processing queue

Cluster customers into groups across different stores for targeted management

Incentivize repeat business with a points system for customer activities

Quick Order Bundle: Fast SKU entry, instant error feedback, and seamless order confirmation

Manage B2B complexities with company profiles, roles, permissions, and approval workflows

Maximize e-commerce with CoreShop's Headless Bundle & Pimcore DataHub: flexible, robust, multi-platform integration for a superior shopping experience